Naturasì – A new retail experience.

The aim of this project is to transform the retail experience for NaturaSì, leveraging the concept that retail is no longer a fixed and confined box, but a dynamic, evolving ecosystem without boundaries. By identifying areas of innovation within a highly competitive and undifferentiated market, this project seeks to redefine how customers engage with NaturaSì’s offerings.

Solution concept

The solution transforms NaturaSì’s retail experience by creating a community around shared hydroponic gardens at each store. A dedicated in-store garden room with a hydroponic wall and seating encourages social interaction. Customers can customize plant nutrients and attend workshops on plant care.

Through the NaturaSì app, users monitor plant health via sensors, adjust nutrients, exchange crops, and receive personalized recipe suggestions based on community gardens. This creates a connected, engaging, and interactive retail ecosystem.

di Milano

Business innovation, 
Market research

W. Bai, M. Cahill, Y. Chen,
J. Griguol, M. Sciortino

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Brand and market analysis

We analyzed the Bio market in Italy and current trends, examined Naturasì’s services, and visited stores to compare the shopping experience with competitors. This overview led to a Kano model highlighting the shop’s values, characteristics, and potential.

Current Naturasì's meaning

After exploring Naturasì Brand, we analyzed competitors and drew inspiration from societal trends. Using class tools, we synthesized this information to define clear conclusions and design requirements, shifting from facts to abstract meanings and offering informed, personal interpretations.

A new meaning

With four distinct imaginations, we first aligned on industry drivers.
This allowed us to define a new brand meaning, encapsulated in our manifesto as ‘Do it together.’

Innovation of solution

With our new meaning defined, we initially proposed a dual solution of a community garden and kitchen. However, it proved too complex and risked diluting our meaning. We then focused on the garden alone, which better promoted active experience, collaboration, and relationships. We designed an innovative in-store and online hydroponic gardening experience.

Incubment and innovator brands

We began by conducting individual research to identify key players in the market, distinguishing between incumbent and innovative brands. We chose “Fico” as an innovator for its engaging approach to grocery shopping and “Cortilia” as an incumbent for its focus on quality and efficiency. Following this, we gathered data on these brands and then collaborated to share insights and refine our understanding of their innovations.

Competitors analysis

We explored both European and Chinese markets to identify direct competitors and adjacent brands that reflect Naturasì’s values, such as plastic-free packaging and zero-waste cooking. We examined innovative brands with unique approaches to promoting their values.